
Is Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning Beneficial?

Is Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning Beneficial?

Water is an essential element of life, with approximately 60% of our body comprising water. It plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, lubrication, and shock absorbency. Given...

The True Meaning Behind “Barn Stars”

The True Meaning Behind “Barn Stars”

A cute decoration that you can often find above the door at the top of a barn is a barn star. You can paint them on or make them out of metal stars. They are...

Why You Should Stop Waking Up to Urinate

Why You Should Stop Waking Up to Urinate

Pelvic floor physical therapists often explain to patients that waking up to urinate at night is not ideal. When patients mention waking up multiple times to use the bathroom, they discuss bladder irritants, staying hydrated...