Emily Ratajkowski Slams Social Media Satire Calls Out Comedian for Mimicking Her Photos
Social media users closely observe and make fun of famous public figures and social media personalities daily.
A recent controversy demonstrates conflicts about public intimacy as well as how female social media performers should be handled.
Through humorous reposts Australian comedian Celeste Barber became well known online.

Her funny criticisms have aimed at well-known stars Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Bella Hadid.
Barber uses her satirical work to display what famous individuals inflict on their audiences regarding beauty ideals.
Through her comedic adaptations between glamorous shots and funny transformations Barber built up her massive fan base and got popular recognition.
One successful model and performer has outright rejected the humorous content produced by this artist.

Social media users worldwide hold Emily Ratajkowski to great respect as she gained fame through her acting roles in Gone Girl and We Are Your Friends.
She usually shows empowering pictures of self-assured women to inspire fellow ladies.
Many people respect her online appearance but Barber uses it as her main source of comedy elements.
During 2021 Barber used her own platform to recreate a bikini photo of Emily Ratajkowski along with a humorous description.
The post declared ‘Stop treating our bodies as objects’. The post features a deliberate shot of her buttocks to ridicule how beauty standards operate.

She posted the content to her account and achieved a major success with fans who both connected with and laughed at her creation.
During this period Ratajkowski revealed her true opinions about her industry treatments through her book My Body.
According to Ratajkowski the parody disrupted her serious content in her book at the wrong moment.
She took strong control over Barber’s material and defined her personal limits at the same time.
After that incident Ratajkowski moved to cut Barber off from her social media connections.

In his conversation with Fitzy and Wippa Barber openly stated that Emily does not approve of what he does. Her opinion matters and she retains the power to reject certain media. But she blocked me.”
Ratajkowski spoke about the conflict on her High Low with EmRata podcast to shed light on the matter.
“This whole drama with Celeste has been blown out of proportion,” she explained.
I mostly consider her humor to be strong. I aimed to communicate my desire for her to stop bothering me this way.
The influencer used this moment to express her issues about(dictionary)’s tendency to attack female social media personalities.

“We love to pick on female influencers like they are considered the trash, lamest, most cringe people on the planet,” she said.
She automatically sees this behavior as unfair to women. Women approach influencing social networks because this strategy helps them build success while earning income.
Barber has kept making comedy but understands that her show does not suit every audience.
During her interview with Marie Claire she disclosed how the controversy makes her self-limit her content.
She countered that she remains unhindered when she sticks to what she thinks and acts from her cancellation basis.

Credit: (Instagram/celestebarber)
This text reveals how tricky digital culture makes it to express yourself humorously in public life.
The debate about comedy and personal agreement shows no sign of slowing down since social networks run our professional progress and daily online talk.