World’s Most Wanted Girlfriend Exposes the Biggest Dating Mistake Women Keep Making

Talk about modern dating and single womens’ dating mistakes has become widespread after a London-based model made her strong comments.

Social media users have dubbed Vera Dijkmans the “world’s most desired girlfriend” because of a remarkable dating study which turned her into an online sensation.

Seven million social media followers support the fashion model who requested male dating submissions through various platform accounts.

Vera Dijkmans
Vera Dijkmans Credit: (Instagram/veradijkmans)

Five thousand men applied for her attention through an unexpected move which stunned many people.

The extensive number of applications failed to satisfy Vera who admitted only three men passed her rigorous evaluation.

The dating experience ended without success leading her to identify typical errors made by women during their dating journey.

Through her social media presence Vera shares guidance to single women who want to secure good matches by avoiding popular relationship mistakes.

The fundamental principle in her guidance involves respecting oneself and defining relationship limitations.

According to her perspective many women accept unfortunate treatment from their partners because they hope such behavior will result in a relationship.

her social media presence
her social media presence Credit: (Instagram/veradijkmans)

“Women need to have more respect for themselves and set clear boundaries with men,” Vera said in an interview with Mail Online.

According to Vera one critical error which women frequently make consists of accepting impulsive dates that men arrange at short notice or forcing themselves to join them late in the evening.

She warns women against responding to late demands for visits or dating events when the man failed to organize anything in advance.

A legitimate date according to Vera demands careful planning by the male partner who devotes effort to generate valuable moments with his female date.

She considers caring gestures regardless of their size as essential indicators that men show sincerity and maintain respect.

The thoughtful nature of her gifts takes precedence over their value since she received elegant items from Louis Vuitton together with Hermès.

She warns women against responding to late demands
She warns women against responding to late demands
Credit: (Instagram/veradijkmans)

Flowers arranged in a bouquet represent an acceptable token for such an occasion. A simple gesture of expressing appreciation for your time will satisfy him as it demonstrates his value for your companionship.

Women should be aware of persistently erratic contact from male suitors who wait until late at night to send messages according to her advice.

She warned that accepting late-night texting only displays his disrespect toward you.

She tells all women to stay away from men who promise empty things as well as those who show unwanted discrepancies in treatment and men who are either untidy in their appearance or irresponsible with their money.

For her it serves as a major warning sign whenever a man neglects both his personal hygiene and financial management.

Some women critique her viewpoints since they find her standards excessively demanding.

A family member even stopped speaking to her after she posted the boyfriend application, calling it “disgraceful.”

She tells all women to stay away from men
She tells all women to stay away from men Credit: (Instagram/veradijkmans)

The makeup artist decided to decline working with Vera when they learned her boyfriend followed the public figure on social media.

She obtains backing from numerous women who praise her brave conviction together with her choice to remain single.

She acknowledged the complete satisfaction she experienced after receiving 5,000 male applications to be her boyfriend.

Vera accepts that male attention gives her pleasant feelings but she understands a major life lesson about romance.

“Getting attention from men is not the most important thing in life,” she said, emphasizing that self-worth should never be tied to male validation.

Right now Vera postpones looking for a boyfriend while she continues to choose her dating partners with care.

Vera accepts that male attention gives her pleasant feelings
Vera accepts that male attention gives her pleasant feelings
Credit: (Instagram/veradijkmans)

As a demanding person I demand almost flawless partners. According to her current way of thinking she prefers to stay single since there should be no need for compromise regarding her needs and desires.

“I’m just very picky, and I need a guy to be almost perfect. I don’t think I should have to compromise on my needs – I’d rather be single until I find the man I’m meant to be with,” she concluded.

She presents a method for dating that others may find unusual yet her core message states unconditional demand for love requires both self-respect and elevated standards.

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